(Annex 2 of the-arts-of-living ) About the Brains: We have two clearly separated physical brain hemispheres (connected by the hypothalamus), and now we know a bit more about how they work: The left hemisphere is the Ego (the separator) and the right hemisphere is the Conscience (the unifier). — The left brain side or ego-thinking […]
(Annex 1 of the-arts-of-living ) Developing Ethics: The investigation about what is good or bad for the development of a human society, is an important subject for all cultures in the intent of building a common ethics. In old Greece, before falling under Roman empire, the word ETHOS was having two different meanings or concepts: éthos: […]
Searching a constructive attitude for a better world (v1.0)
What is Art? In a healthy and nature-connected human society, all Verbs in any language are considered Arts (essentially or potentially), because if they are not regarded as such, they should be or become arts as soon as possible, for the good of the doer and the good of everyone else.
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